Sunday, March 9, 2008



Often dowry in indian context is refered as istridhan or women wealth in indian context.ITs a criminal offence to ask seek and give dowry on and after any marriage ocassion from bride's side to bridegroom's side and it is punishable according to indian law.The provisions against dowry seekers are very" victim" friendly and husbands and inlaws can be put behind bars on mere one complaint of the women without even verification. Sometimes these laws are used many years after marriage eg in one case some 25 years after marriage which leaves a doubt for the law usefulness and questions some of the beneficiaries.

Recently i had a misfortune of witnessing a proceedings of one such case in a court when i went to meet my cousin who was a lawyer and asked me to witness a amazing entry of all sorts quite literally.
The case in point was between married couple of A doctor husband and a post graduate house wife in economics.The doctor husband was fighting the case alone as he has married his wife after a love marriage? on the other hand wife had few fellow friends in form of a human rights activist and one almost masculine looking female wrestler friend.
Although the marriage has broken down and both were reconciled to the fact but the pleasure (sadistic) of harrasing a husband was not to be missed by the human right activist friends et al.

There marriage function happened few years back in court complex as it was registered marriage and the only dowry that was given by brides side was blessings presumably, but according to bride some very costly and important articles were given from here family side to the boy side.
The boy acknowledging these articles have agreed to share expenses but not to return the full expenses as he thought the article till there were used served the purpose of both the parties.The cost of articles as given turned out to be a measly 150 rupees plus a double bed was given which boy agreed to return in as in where in basis ;but fangs of women empowerment lobbies got all the media publicity against boy for the unjust dowry.

The question that that came into my mind was what were dowry articles of costs of only Rs 150 that bothered both the sides so much that they were prepared to wash their dirty lenin in public instead of amicably settling for divorce and carry on with their own lives.

This was revealed to a me by my lawyer cosin that article consisted of a pack of male CONDOMS 15 in number.

Amazingly the girl side wants boyside to pay for these as they were given as dowry items but boy although a millionaire was not ready to pay as his viewed the usefulness of condom to both the parties.
A eunuch who was also sitting in a court where the case was going for one appeal after another as judge was also finding it difficult to decide on such a unique dowry suggested a unique way that booy should give back the girl rs 150 worth of female condoms FEMIDONS and the case should be withdrawn by girl of dowry harasment.
But this seemed unacceptable to human rights activist as their neo empowerment meant only boy as the unjust exploiter who had the instrument of exploitation and wanted him to suffer for that in jail.
The eunuch as it turned out to be was interested in the case as he was promised and later cheated by the girls friends that after divorce he can have the girl provided he spied on boy and gave 'unfavourable' statement to girl about boyz character.But this person now carried a grudge as he too was shunted out in the game.Seeing all this first time in my life i thanked god that i donot have so called human right friends who for there own case study make people a source of entertainment and also i was amazed at the shallowness of empowerment claims which seems mis directed and sometimes biologically imprudent.


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